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Onsite Screenings

Welcome Sailing Members


The AMO Plans Clinic would like to invite you to participate in our exclusive and comprehensive Heart Health Screen. This process has been uniquely designed by the AMO Plans Clinical Team specifically for the Maritime Industry.

The sole purpose for creating this screening is to help bring awareness to your health; and to empower you the health care consumer with information you can use to apply lifestyle changes to prevent or reduce your risk of heart disease.

Care for your Heart, AMO provides you with an excellent way of reaching your health goals through our FREE Health Screening Program at the AMO Medical Clinic.

The health screenings available at AMO are not typically done by your primary health care physician. AMO Plans has designed an excellent health screening program which allows you to identify your health risks and thereby promote health through awareness and prevention.

Cardiovascular Disease Screenings Include:


ABI stands for Ankle Brachial Index. This innovative screening device is a noninvasive way to check your risk for peripheral artery disease (PAD), a condition in which the arteries in your legs or arms are narrowed or blocked.

Carotid Artery Disease Screening:

Provides early detection of risk factors in their earliest stages before it ultimately leads to the occurrence of a stroke. Your carotid arteries are the two large blood vessels in your neck that supply blood to your brain.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening:

Helps screen individuals who may be at risk for the development of an aortic aneurysm. An Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA), a specific kind of aneurysm, is a condition in which the lining of the blood vessel called the aorta is enlarged within the abdomen. Abdominal aortic aneurysms pose a threat because they are usually silent until a medical emergency occurs.

Sailing Members:

As with all AMO Plans Health & Wellness Initiatives, any health information obtained is private and not shared with any required merchant mariner physical exam process. This information is strictly for your betterment and may be shared with your physician at your discretion.

Care for your Health:

AMO provides you with an excellent way of reaching your health goals through our FREE Health Screening Program at the AMO Medical Clinic.

Free Screenings Include:


A1C: The benefits of measuring A1c is that it shows how well your diabetes is being controlled. Hemoglobin A1c (HgbA1c) provides an average of your blood sugar over the past 2-3months and is used along with home blood sugar monitoring to make adjustments in your diabetes medicines.

Hormone Test Screening:

Thyroid Hormone: The thyroid hormone helps the body use energy, stay warm and keep the brain, heart, muscles, and other organs working as they should. Measuring levels of thyroid antibodies may help diagnose the cause of the thyroid problems. Testosterone: A testosterone test checks the level of the male hormone (androgen) in the blood.


Bone Density: A bone density test determines if you have osteoporosis-a disease that causes bones to become more fragile and more likely to break. Vitamin D: Many individuals are not exposed to sunlight and therefore are prone to skeletal/bone issues such as osteoporosis. We can screen for vitamin D deficiency and if appropriate provide you with Vitamin D supplements.

Sailing Members:

As with all AMO Plans Health & Wellness Initiatives, any health information obtained is private and not shared with any required merchant mariner physical exam process. This information is strictly for your betterment and may be shared with your physician at your discretion.